Flutist Salpy Kerkonian enjoys an active career filled with vibrant music, vibrant travels, and vibrant musical collaborations. A graduate of USC, Miss Kerkonian holds a Bachelors and Masters Degree in Music studying under full scholarship, and graduating with honors. While at USC, Salpy won First Place in the USC Concerto Competition (performing Mozart G Major Flute Concerto), and was appointed Flutist of the USC Scholarship Quintet which went on to win First Place in the coveted Coleman and Carmel International Chamber Music Competitions.

As symphonic flutist, Salpy serves as Principal/Solo Flute of the Santa Cecilia Orchestra, and Assistant Principal of the Glendale Symphony. In that capacity, Salpy had the honor of performing three times with Luciano Pavarotti and the Three Tenors, Andrea Bocelli, and in Duo with coloratura Diva Sumi Jo. Salpy also held the First Flute position of both the American Youth Symphony (6 years) and the YMF Debut Orchestra which featured Salpy as soloist in the Ibert Flute Concerto at Royce Hall.

A native of Chicago, Miss Kerkonian was raised in Los Angeles where she began her flute studies at the age of 7, and went on to win First Place in 14 Solo Competitions including: Young Musicians Found; LA Phil Assoc; Healy-Hartshorn-Hutton Found; Lucille McKinstrey Found which featured Salpy as soloist in the PBS Special “Musicians for Tomorrow” performing Chaminade Concertino.

Salpy has also performed on 30 TV Film and Movie soundtracks for composers Lalo Schifrin and Lee Holdridge. At the University level, Salpy has taught as Flute Instructor for 6 years at Mt St Mary’s College in Brentwood, California.

Currently, Miss Kerkonian spends part of the year in vibrant travels performing in such exotic locations as Kuala Lumpur, Dubai, Dushanbe Tajikistan on the Ancient Silk Road, Paris, London, Germany, Amsterdam, Norway, Switzerland, Canada, and Sweden. In Los Angeles, Miss Kerkonian heads a series of chamber music concerts at the Norton Simon Museum performing with “Arpa y Aulos” Flute and Harp Duo, Pacifica Wind Trio. And, Salpy enjoys very much serving as VYMA Flute Coach!